
Adobe lightroom 6 new features
Adobe lightroom 6 new features

adobe lightroom 6 new features

  • When you’ve named a few faces, Lightroom starts guessing, and you can click the checkmark to confirm the suggested name.
  • Click the stack icon to view the contents of the stack.
  • If Lightroom is confident that several faces are the same person, it groups them together into a stack so you can name them all in one go.
  • You can multi-select and name multiple selected faces at the same time.
  • Drag & drop onto name in keyword panel (but only if it’s a Person keyword).
  • Drag & drop faces from Unnamed to Named stacks.
  • or add some other kind of unique identifier). don’t just mark a face as Victoria in case you know more than one Victoria, and if father and son are both called John Smith, mark one as John Smith Jnr.


  • Tip – Always use full and unique names (e.g.
  • Auto-complete only shows existing people’s names.
  • Click under the photo and type the person’s name.
  • When you name a face, or a stack of faces, the faces move from the Unnamed People section to the Named People section.
  • It shows all the faces that have been detected in the currently selected source.
  • adobe lightroom 6 new features adobe lightroom 6 new features

  • Access the People view via the Face icon on the toolbar, via the View menu or the O key.
  • People View is split into Named People and Unnamed People sections.
  • New photos are automatically indexed while importing if you have face recognition enabled for the whole catalog.
  • If you selected the current source and later want to index the whole catalog (perhaps overnight), you can turn it on by clicking the pause button in the Activity Center or by going to Catalog Settings > Automatically detect faces in all photos.
  • If you select the current source, indexing only runs on the selected source while you’re in People view, or while you have a photo open in Loupe with the Draw Face tool active.
  • If you select the whole catalog and your catalog is large, the indexing will take a while and may slow down your computer while it runs.
  • It asks for permission to build the index the first time you enter People view. You can choose to index the whole catalog or just the current folder/collection.
  • Lightroom has to build an index of your photos.
  • Obviously it’s not as smart as you are, and occasionally it identifies trees as people, suggests wrong names, and misses incomplete or small faces, but if you photograph friends, family and other people you might want to identify, it can save many hours of work (and it’s more fun than normal keywording).
  • You may read some reviews that essentially say “don’t bother”.
  • As you start naming people, Lightroom starts recognizing their facial features and suggesting their names for other faces that look similar, so it’s ideal for tagging family and friends.
  • Lightroom searches your photos for things that look like faces, and displays these faces as a grid, ready for you to identify the people.
  • There are so many new cameras and lenses, I’ve moved them down to the bottom of the page.
  • If you’re not in the USA, select your country bottom left. Upgrades are only available direct from Adobe (click this link, then click Buy, then change it to an upgrade.
  • Full boxed versions are available from third parties such as Amazon.
  • upgrades) don’t include additional features that may be added to the subscription.
  • Perpetual licenses ARE still available but they’re hard to find on Adobe’s website! It’s $149 for new licenses and $79 for upgrades.
  • The branding has changed – it’s now Lightroom CC for subscribers and Lightroom 6 for perpetual licenses.
  • If you don’t have time to read it all right now, the highlights are marked in red. The Lightroom team have been busy, so it’s a long list.


    If you’re a subscriber already, you can just download from the Creative Cloud app (update – it’s being a bit slow at the moment!). After many weeks of rumblings and rumors, Lightroom CC/6 is finally here! Here’s the download link for the trial.

    Adobe lightroom 6 new features